One of the more aspiring things the Perseverance wanderer as of now investigating the outer layer of Mars has been doing is gathering tests of Martian shakes and soil, saving them for a future mission to Mars to recover and get back to Earth. NASA has affirmed that testing is in progress on what it calls the most modern undertaking at any point endeavored on Mars as it readies a mission to recover the stone and soil tests Perseverance is gathering.
Planning the mission to gather the Martian examples is essential for the multi-mission Mars Sample Return crusade that started last February when Perseverance showed up on Mars. NASA has gathered the examples and needs to return them to Earth to permit active testing to decide whether life in microbial structure might have existed on Mars in the far off past.
Persistence was furnished with 43 example tubes for soil and rock, thus far, four have been loaded up with rock center examples, and one has been loaded up with an example of the Martian climate. NASA intends to take a page from the Apollo mission book when it returned lunar examples to Earth. While a portion of the Martian examples will be concentrated on straight away, others will be saved for people in the future to examine.
Lunar examples got back from the Apollo missions were utilized the same way, holding a few examples to be tried later on when testing gear and cycles were more complex. It’s exceptionally difficult to recover and return tests from the outer layer of Mars to Earth, and the whole interaction will require 10 years. In any case, NASA isn’t working alone. It’s additionally working with European accomplices, including the ESA, to foster the wanderer to be utilized in the mission.
The Rover
The meanderer expected to recover the examples from the outer layer of the Red Planet and move them to the lander is being created by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The lander will utilize an automated arm created by the ESA to pack the examples recovered into a little rocket called the Mars Ascent Vehicle. The little rocket is being created by the Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama.
Planning tests to be pressed into the rocket on the outer layer of Mars is a muddled undertaking. Readiness of the examples requires fixing the example case inside a spotless holder to trap any Martian material inside. Then, the mark of the perfect compartment would be disinfected, and afterward it would be put into an Earth-passage case.