Micah Katt was born in 1973 in the city of Ohio and reached a large number of popularity after his performance in the early 2000s in a comedy event entitled ” Comedians are American citizenship. He was raised by parents who tend to be politics and are revelation in his school.
His teenage children saw him move to San Francisco where he started his career, and before the 90s ended, he was used to places such as casinos, Eshouse and many others. And for years he was not only involved with comedy but also horrified and acting too. Micah Katt’s net worth is around $ 10 million. The comedy career begins at a gentle age where he uses his talent to get access to clubs in his environment.
Micah Katt utilizes comedy skills to explore acting and similar to many other American races, he then made success in his efforts. The “Wild N ‘Out” program made him recognized among fans and then films like “Norbit” made him very popular. He was involved with many other films and in 2008 he installed his first appearance album and was involved with a big comedy show.
NAMEMicah Katt | NATIONALITYUnited States Of America | DATE OF BIRTH2nd September 1971 |
ZODIAC SIGNVirgo | PLACE OF BIRTHCincinnati, Ohio | AGE48 |
RELIGIONNot Disclosed | CAREERComedian | HEIGHT165 cm |
SPOUSEQuadirah Locus
Eboni Gray |
GENRES Blue ComedyBlack Comedy Physical Comedy Observational Comedy Satire |